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Reviewing Letters

  1. Move to the Notes tab at the bottom of the clinical notes screen.
  2. To view letters that you have created, move to the right-hand side Letters tab.
  3. Double click on a letter to open it in another window.

Other Options

Right-click on a letter for more options:

  • Show Letter: opens the letter in a new window
  • Send to Letter Writer: places the contents into the current letter writer. You can then modify it and re-address it to other recipients.
  • Copy document to the current complaint: adds the letter to your current complaint, as an attachment. You will be able to edit the contents.
  • Re-file to a different patient: allows you to reassign the letter to a different patient.
  • Re-Label: allows you to change the label (description) of the item. This is the description that appears in your list of clinical notes.